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Dynamons 10


Dynamons 10 is a new journey that takes players to the world of Golden Temple. Meet and collect special creatures. Build a powerful Dynamons team.

About Dynamons 10

After a series of exciting versions from Dynamons 2 to Dynamons 9. Azerion Casual Studio continues to release Dynamons 10 to extend the series of discoveries and growth of special creatures.

With Dynamons 10, a new opportunity, a new challenge with a new adventure opens up. The next location to be included in the growth journey of the Dynamons army is the Golden Temple. A place with many mysteries and excitements awaits.

Become a powerful captain in Dynamons 10

With the task of building a strong army in terms of quality and quantity. Players will meet creatures with special shapes such as Tyrexar, Tyceratox, Cobragora, Pterodanox, Knightanyx, and Diamond Guardian. Tame them and take them into fierce battles.

Fight other captains with your own tactics and build an army with a variety of Dynamons.

There are quite a few special Dynamons hiding in caves. Explore these locations to capture Dynamons and recruit them into your team.